Booklist: Past, Present and Future

In the Bookbag (currently reading):

Between Two Worlds by John Stott
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith
A Praying Life by Paul Miller
The Teaching of the Epistle to the Hebrews by Geerhardus Vos
The Seven Laws of Teaching by John Milton Gregory
The Rise and Fall of the American Teenager by Thomas Hine

On the Desk (next up)
The Westminster Confession's latter materials, particularly the National Covenant and the Directory for the Public Worship of God
 The Imitation of Christ

An Old Testament Theology by Bruce Waltke  Evangelical Ethics
 Seeing with New Eyes
 Institutes Book 1 

A History of the Christian Church by Latourette
Anything by PJ Woodhouse

On the Shelf (finished)

Family Based Youth Ministry by Mark Devries Excellent; challenges everything you thought about raising children in the fear of the Lord.
The Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus of Rome Thought provoking and interesting.  Points out my modern idolatry.
Get Outta My Face by Rick Horne On counseling angry teenagers; good, but it could have easily been a stapled pamphlet.  The Gospel is tacked-on to behavior modification, certainly not central.

Swan Lake, A City in Winter, and The Veil of Snows all by Mark Helprin A Three-Volume series of "children's literature" by illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg (Jumanjii).  Excellent, excellent ficiton.  Helprin is Jewish but clearly knows his Bible - the themes are woven throughout a classic tale of murder, love, royalty, hubris, excess and humility.  Also contains the best description of the value of defiance.  A must-read.
Reading Jesus by Mary Gordon  A writer revisits the Gospels and interacts with what she reads.  She asks lots of interesting questions and her writing is crafted as well as anything you'll read, but ultimately she looks at Christ without faith, and reads everything in the Gospels as poetic metaphor.  This is a DNF (Did Not Finish) for me; I would read it if it were all I had on a train, but there are better ways to spend precious reading time.  Emergent types will love it - blech.
